Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Where I am...Where I want to go...

The topic I will be covering through the entirety of this blog is in regards to the development of ancient empires.  I will specifically focus on the ways in which geographic location, codes of law and government shaped the creation and evolution of ancient societies.  I will address the first four ancient empires that my 9th and 10th grade students are covering in our World History class, they include Babylon, Egypt, Greece and Rome. 

In this posting specifically I will be including sources and my KWL on Babylon and Egypt.  My future posts will include Greece and Rome.  My goal in this blog is to incorporate multiple forms of media as resources to convey greater meaning to my students and better respect the variety of learners that make up my classroom.  Respecting the variety of learners that make up my classroom means I must respect their literacy needs.  Providing multiple forms of media is one way in which I can better the experience my students have. 

I have a confident understanding of the content I will be covering in class, my understanding stems from retained knowledge I have obtained during classes taken throughout my career as a student, and from my nerdy obsession with ancient empires.  However, I do not rely solely on my previous knowledge of content material.  I expand the depth of my understanding through the time I put into preparation before teaching my students.  I have an understanding of the dependency ancient civilizations had on their locations and surrounding geographic features/resources.  As ancient societies grew in population, codes of law and governing bodies needed to be created in order to manage the rising number of people living in close proximity to one another.  As civilizations advanced, their codes of law also had to evolve to meet the needs of their leaders, nations and/or people.  I hope to further my knowledge on what daily life was like for ancient peoples and how I can relate our lives today to theirs.  I would also like to learn more about specific laws, codes and social norms in ancient societies. 

The specific themes and topics I plan to educate my students on in regards to the ancient societies of Babylon and Egypt are as follows:

1) Ancient Babylon and Hammurabi's Code: 

Our essential question states, "Hammurabi's Code, was it just?"  Using multiple primary and secondary sources, students will have the opportunity to build an opinion and provide rationale to support their opinions in regards to a handful of laws that made up Hammurabi's code.  We will explore the justifications Hammurabi had for his laws by looking at images and translations of his cuneiform stone steles.  Students will compare and contrast the laws of Babylon to laws today, and explain their opinions as to why or why not Hammurabi's Code could be used in our society.

Sources include:
Video: Crash Course World History:
Video: Law Today/Ham's Code:
DBQ (Document Based Question):  Hammurabi.pdf
Secondary Source: DBQ background essay.
Primary Sources: DBQ documents A-E
A: Image/Background: Stone stele
B: Text/Translation: Epilogue of Code
C, D, E: Text/Laws: Building/supporting opinions

*DBQ project 2011, Volume 1 Unit 1

2) Ancient Egypt and the Nile River:

Our essential question states, "How did the Nile River help shape the development of Ancient Egypt?"  Students will analyze primary and secondary sources including maps, essays, videos, text materials, charts and timelines to build and support their responses to the essential question.  We will examine the geographic isolation Egypt had, and their society's ability to harness as well as understand the Nile River.  Students will expand and build their understanding of the Egyptians ability to track the Nile's seasonal flooding patterns in order to farm and produce surpluses of food for their people.  We will also examine Egyptian leaders' abilities to govern, control and organize the population to build their great monuments.

Sources include:
Video: Crash Course World History:
Video: Nile River's Importance/Significance:
Video: Monuments/Leaders:
DBQ: Nile/Egypt.pdf
Secondary Source: DBQ background essay.
Primary Sources: DBQ documents A-E
A:  Map: Ancient Egypt, significance of Nile River
B:  Chart: Seasonal Flooding/ Seasons
C:  Image: Boats/transportation
D:  Image: Hieroglyphics/life after death
E:  Song Lyrics: Respect/love for Nile River
*DBQ project 2011, Volume 1 Unit 2

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

About Me

My name is Josh Luterbach, and I am currently a student at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.  I am studying to become a social studies teacher for grades 6-12.  I am student teaching at The Milwaukee High School of the Arts, working with multiple 9th and 10th grade World History classes.

I made the decision to become a teacher because of my personal belief that education is the most important factor that influences being successful in a person's life.  Great educators are great leaders, who don't need recognition for their achievements, our most prized reward is seeing our students find success.  As teachers, we have the most important job, we help young adults figure out who they are, what life is all about, and how to be successful.  My number one goal as a teacher is to prepare my students to be active, engaged and informed citizens who can build and support their opinions, think for themselves and make educated adult decisions.  I love being able to come home after teaching and feel that my students grasped the concepts, facts and information we discussed in class. I look forward to hearing from past students about their future successes in life, and being the teacher that may have influenced them in a positive direction.   

This blogs main purpose will be to discuss disciplinary literacy in regards to the content area of World History.  I will be constructing this blog to mirror different units and topics my classes work through during this semester and explain how and why literacy is critical to the success my students have.  I have included pictures below that represent four of the topics my class is working through, specifically I will be discussing the development and evolution of codes of law and government.